Government of Dominica



Dominica has joined the rest of the world in observance of World Food’s Day 2023.

World Food Day 2023 is being held under the theme “Water Is Life, Water Is Food: Leave No One Behind.”

World food day is observed annually on October 16 with the aim of shedding light on the millions of people globally who struggle with food security.

This international day is spearheaded by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and is dedicated to raising awareness about food security, hunger and agricultural concerns on a global stage.

World Food Day provides a platform for advocating actions to combat worldwide hunger, enhance accessibility to food, and encourage sustainable agricultural practices.

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, Hon. Roland Royer says World Food Day is meant to inspire countries to work together to create a better future for all.

“The observance of World Food Day is meant to inspire change that will create a better future for all as we celebrate under the theme “Water Is Life, Water is Food: Leave No One Behind.” World Food Day celebrations offer a unique opportunity to create awareness and action across the world for those who suffer from hunger, or struggle to ensure that there is access to food for all. This year’s celebrations spotlight how water is essential to life on earth and is the foundation of our food systems. Water, which covers the majority of the planet’s surface, makes up over fifty percent of our bodies, supports livelihoods, and important productive sectors such as Agriculture, fisheries, tourism, the environment and trade, and the housing and health services,” Hon. Royer stated.

He noted that with the development of countries coupled with climate change has challenged he planet’s water resources.

“Our performance in these sectors is central to achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. We note however that economic development premised on a rapid population growth, urbanization and climate change puts our planet’s water resources under increasing stress. The Director General of the FAO of the United Nations reminds us that we must not take water for granted. We must work together to manage a finite precious resource” he noted.

The Agriculture Minister says Dominica is blessed to have an abundant water supply despite the challenges of climate change.

“It is estimated that around 2.5 billion people live in water stressed countries today. Many are small holder farmers who struggle to meet their daily needs, particularly women, indigenous people, migrants, and refuges. Competition for this priceless resource increases as water scarcity becomes a central motive of many conflicts. Reflecting on these statistics, we must say as Dominicans we are truly blessed, as a nation which boasts of 3645 rivers and a high annual rainfall,” HON. Royer added.

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