Government of Dominica


The island of Dominica remains on a TROPICAL STORM WATCH. This WATCH was issued at 5pm yesterday afternoon.

A Tropical Storm Watch means that Tropical Storm conditions are POSSIBLE within the watch area, usually within 48 hours.

At 5am this morning, the depression was located 565 miles east south east of Dominica moving west near 21 mph. On the current forecast track, the depression/wave is expected in our area late tonight into early Friday.

Maximum sustained winds were about 35 mph. No significant change in intensity is expected today.

The system appears to be weakening. There is a possibility that the depression could degenerate into a remnant low or tropical wave later today if the current weakening trend continues. Adjustments to the Tropical Storm Watch may be necessary.

A hurricane hunter aircraft is scheduled to investigate the system later today so as to provide detailed information for better understanding of the system with regards to its intensity and track.

Increasing cloudiness, showers, thunderstorms and gusty winds are expected here in Dominica late tonight into Friday due to the approach and passage of this depression/wave.


ANNOUNCEMENT: SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE issued by the Dominica Meteorological Service

issued by The Dominica Meteorological Service

at 12:00 pm on Wednesday August 1st 2012

The Dominica Meteorological Office in collaboration with the Office of Disaster Management continues to monitor an area of low pressure located about 1000 miles east south east of Dominica and the Windward Islands. This system is expected in our area by late Friday into Saturday.

There is a strong possibility that this system could become a Tropical Depression or Storm by the time it approaches the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Residents are advised to continue to monitor the progress/development of this system and begin to take all precautionary measures in preparation for the arrival of this system.

Updated information is available at, and the weather hotline at 447 5555

ANNOUNCEMENT: Guidelines For Burial Of Human Remains On Private Property

These guidelines are intended to give directions to Environmental Health Officers in determining the suitability of a site other than a registered cemetery for burial of human remains; and to persons wanting to inter their dead on private property. These guidelines do not apply to dead human bodies interred at cemeteries.

  • Proof of ownership of the property together with the application for permission to bury shall be submitted to the Ministry of Community Development.


  • The property should be at least half an acre in size (21,780 sq. Ft.)


  • The Environment Health Department would need a minimum of three days to visit the site and process recommendations.


  • Graves should be at least 100 feet from property lines and structures, 150 feet from any body of water and should not interfere with any sewerage disposal system.


  • Preparation of the burial site should not commence unless the location has been inspected and the necessary recommendations made by the Environmental Health Department.


  • Holes should be a minimum of seven feet deep.


  • The top of the grave should be sealed with a minimum of 4 inches of concrete.


  • The areas should be easily identified and be surrounded by fence or hedge.


  • Drainage should be constructed to divert water away from the grave.


  • The grave should not be opened before six years has passed.


  • Officers in the district need to observe burial to ensure that the client follows recommendations.


  • Following the burial, a certificate will be issued to the person in charge to attest to the fact that the burial has met standards.


  • The recommendations will be sent to the Ministry of Community Development however a copy can be made available to the person in charge of the remains.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Invitation for Bids

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

30 May 2012




Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines

Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP)

Project ID: P100635, P117087

IDA CREDITS: 4451-LC, 4452-GD, 4453-DM, 4650-VC

Development and Implementation of Regional Health Management Information System (RHMIS)

IFB No.: EGRIP/ICB/2.5a-G-1


1.         This Invitation for Bids (IFB) follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in the UN Development Business website on 6 January 2009.

2.         The Governments of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines have each received a credit from the International Development Association toward the cost of the Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP), and intend to apply part of the proceeds of these credits to payments under the agreement(s) resulting from this Development and Implementation of Regional Health Management Information System (RHMIS). Bidding will be governed by the World Bank’s eligibility rules and procedures.

3.         The Regional Electronic Government Unit (REGU), of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) serves as the implementing agency for the project and now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the design and development of a Regional Health Management Information System which will combine health statistics from various sources to derive information about health status, health care, provision and use of the health services. The RHMIS will assist in the management and planning of regional health programs, policies and strategies.


The most important components of the RHMIS include: Web Portal, Information Transmission and Capture, Information Data Repository, Data Analysis, Reports and Feedback, Security and Access Control Framework and Data Analytics.

The selected firm shall implement the RHMIS and also provide training, and relevant support / maintenance during the warranty period.


4.         Bidding will be conducted using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, edition of May 2004, revised October 2006, and is open to all Bidders eligible as defined in these Guidelines, that meet the following minimum qualification criteria:

  • Successful development and implementation of a management information system for a public sector organization or central government in at least  one country other than the  bidder’s home country, within the last five years, including detailed description of these references,  Letters of Certification (from  clients or certified auditors) and contact information (i.e. e-mail addresses) of end-users;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing web based applications using web tools and open source products;
  • Suitable exposure to Public Service/health issues and knowledge of the health environment governing the operation and administration would be an asset;
  • At least 5 years of working experience with public sector in ICT or health related applications development/customization, along with evidence of establishment of quality process in software development, and Certification of engagement and availability of  proposed staff;  and
  • For financial viability, the Bidder must demonstrate annual turnover and liquidity of at least equal to the cash-flow estimated for this contract, over the last three years.


5.         Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the REGU and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. A pre-bid meeting which potential bidders may attend will be held on Monday 25 June 2012 at 10:00 am.

6.         A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased from the REGU on the submission of an email application to the Project Manager (at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and upon payment of a nonrefundable instant charge of USD150.00 (or XCD400.00). The method of payment will be by cashier’s check or direct deposit into the projects account. Prior registration is required for submitting clarification questions on the bidding documents and receiving automatic notice of answers and of addenda to the bidding documents. The .PDF version of the bidding documents issued via e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , and any addenda to it, will be the binding one.  For the convenience of Bidders an unofficial MS Word copy of the Bidding Documents will be included in the e-mail.

7.         Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 10:00 am, 12 July 2012. Bids need to be secured by a Bid-Securing Declaration.  Late bids will be rejected.  Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 10:30 am, 12 July 2012.

8.         The attention of prospective Bidders is drawn to (i) the fact that they will be required to certify in their bids that all software is either covered by a valid license or was produced by the Bidder and (ii) that violations are considered fraud, which can result in ineligibility to be awarded World Bank-financed contracts.


The Project Manager

Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP)

Regional Electronic Government Unit (REGU)

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat

Frank Johnson Avenue

Morne Fortune

Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 179

Castries, Saint Lucia

Telephone number:  1-758-455-6327/453-0669

Fax number:  1-758-458-5079

e-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ANNOUNCEMENT: From the North/North Eastern Tourism Environment Development Committee, RE: Hike






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