Project ID No. P129992
The proposed Disaster Vulnerability Risk Reduction project for Dominica forms the third phase of a Horizontal Adaptable Program Loan (APL 3) that covers four OECS member countries, to date. The entire regional APL consists of individual lending operations in four OECS countries, including Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia and Dominica. It is expected to be implemented over a period of 5 years, and supports four mutually reinforcing components. The individual operations would finance national level investments and technical assistance (TA) interventions as well as regional TA and knowledge exchange activities that support regional agencies and interested government agencies in developing capacity and tools to assess and communicate disaster risk to the general public and to decision makers in different sectors, as well as facilitate Disaster Risk Management (DRM) data management and sharing for improved decision-making.
The Project Financial Management Specialist will be responsible for:
- Building financial management capacity in the office of the Accountant General and the concerned line ministries.
- The management of Project Financial matters as part of the Project implementation arrangements, in accordance with the relevant Government of Dominica [GoD] and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] financial management requirements.
- Together with the Ministry of Environment/Ministry of Finance or in the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) building the financial management capacities of MoE/MoF and of the Project implementing entities..
- Building sustainable financial management capacity in the office of the Accountant General.
- Maintain the accounting system for the Project, utilizing standard accounting procedures, which will ensure full documentation and recording of sources and uses of funds.
- Preparation of quarterly financial reports (expenditure and revenue) for the Government of Dominica (GoD) and quarterly Financial Management Report for the World Bank (Project budgetary control and input into Project progress reports).
- Review and certify receipts and cash transfer sheets regarding Sale of Tender Documents.
- Preparation of quarterly status reports for Implementing Agencies and GoD.
- Preparation of interim unaudited reports.
- Review and check withdrawal applications prepared for draw down of the World Bank funds for all activities.
- Review and verify accuracy of information on payment vouchers for signing of checks.
- Verify and ensure the availability of funds before checks are written.
- Prepare payment vouchers before checks are written for all Projects.
- Manage Project expenditures, ensuring full compliance with project rules and procedures (as per the Project Operational Manual, IBRD/IDA Project Guidelines) agreed between the Bank and GoD for the Project.
- Assist in the Preparation of Budget estimates/allocation for Project activities.
- Prepare monthly/quarterly reports for donor Agencies.
- Review accuracy of payment vouchers and checks.
- Review, verify and certify monthly and special financial statements and reports, including expenditure reports and bank reconciliation statements
- Assist in the preparation and updating of the Project Operational Manual
- Review receivables and payables and ensure prompt settlement of payables to the Project's suppliers and contractors
- Attend Project review meetings with donor agencies and Implementing Agencies.
- Liaise with Accountant General during the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements
- Review and certify Bank Reconciliation Statements for the Project
- Report and liaise with the accountants and financial analysts of the concerned ministries.
- Liaise with Implementing Agencies
- Monitor closely the work of the team involved in the maintenance of the Cashbook
- Build financial management capacities in Government Ministries and in the Project implementing entities
- Any other duties assigned by the Project Coordinator or Project Manager
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or related field with at least three years related working experience
- Internationally recognized accounting qualification (e.g. CA, ACCA, CPA, etc.)
- Direct experience of working with the donor-financed (preferably World Bank financed) projects
- Knowledge of the government accounting procedures for Dominica or any Caribbean countries. Preferably, direct working experience with the government or international organizations.
Specific knowledge
- Government of Dominica Finance and Audit Act and Financial Regulations
- Basic principles and procedures for Procurement and Selection of Consultants
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Financial Reporting for major donors
- International Accounting and Auditing Standards
- Labor Laws
- Planning and Forecasting
- Required Skills and Specialized Techniques
- Analytical skills, ability to develop and implement accounting systems
- Supervisory Skills
- Conflict Management skills
- Knowledge of public sector accounting procedures and exposure to lender / donor agency procedures
- Report writing skills
- Integrity and Confidentiality
- Communication, interpersonal skills and time management
- Use of computerized accounting system such as, Smart Stream and the development of accounting reporting tools in consultation with the Accountant General.
The contract will be for an initial period of two years, with a possibility of extensions, starting from the date of signing the contract agreement with MoF/MoE. A six month probation period will be included.
Two (2) years; annually renewable, subject to satisfactory performance
Salary is negotiable and will depend on qualifications and experience
The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning b& Fisheries now invites eligible candidates to express their interests in providing the service. Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV’s; similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, clients references, etc.)
Expressions of interests together with CV’s and other documents may be sent via, mail, email, or fax and delivered to the address below by 18 July 2014 to:
Harold Guiste
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning & Fisheries
Government Headquarters
Project ID No. P129992
The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (GoCD) has requested the World Bank for assistance to develop a project to contribute to the reduction of vulnerability to natural hazards in Dominica. The proposed project will be part of the regional Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Adaptable Program Loan (APL) (DVRP) for the East Caribbean Region. The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) which aims to measurable reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Dominica will include various activities related to institutional strengthening and training as well as the execution of various civil works to retrofit or protect national assets. The GoCD recognizes the need to provide environmental support, supervision and oversight throughout the implementation of the DVRP program.
The Environmental Specialist will provide environmental support to the PCU (Project Coordination Unit) for the program's implementation to ensure compliance with the Bank’s Environmental Safeguards Policies and the environmental laws of Dominica, as described in the EA-EMF (Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Framework) prepared for the DVRP.
The consultant is expected to implement, and report upon, the activities described in the EMF. Specifically, the consultant will:
- Assist with the screening and application of mitigation measures, contracting language, and environmental plans for individual subprojects
- Screen proposed projects for: impacts on the health and quality of forests, rights and welfare of people, and changes in the management, protection, or utilization of natural forests; potential impacts to physical cultural resources; and impacts to natural or critical habitats;
- Examine and evaluate all activities proposed by individual subprojects to assess the potential environmental risks or impacts, to determine mitigation measures needed, based on the EMF, as well as any additional mitigation and compliance measures from local permit requirements;
- Identify complex or sensitive projects that require additional feasibility studies or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAs) as described in the Environmental Management Framework (EMF);
- Assist in the preparation of Terms of Reference for studies, coordinating with selected contractors or staff to ensure the studies are carried out adequately, in conjunction with the World Bank environmental specialist;
- Assist with contracting documentation to ensure that applicable mitigation measures are included, and assist contractors or line Ministry staff to ensure that mitigation plans are being carried out;
- Conduct field appraisal and review of subproject specifications, setting and site conditions to ensure that environmental aspects are appropriately addressed in planning, contracting and environmental mitigation plans;
- Conduct field supervision, monitoring and inspection of individual subprojects to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures required, World Bank policies, and Dominican law;
- Development of compliance checklists and supervisory guides for field inspections;
- Periodically report on ongoing works, planning efforts, compliance and other aspects requiring attention and assist the PCU in review and preparation of the environmental aspects of annual reports as necessary
One (1) year; annually renewable, subject to satisfactory performance
- A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences, Engineering or related discipline
- Demonstrated experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of Environmental Planning, Compliance, Inspections, Reporting, and/or Assessment.
- Excellent knowledge of English with fluency in reading, preparation of technical reports and general writing.
- Demonstrated ability to work in teams and communicate effectively.
- Knowledge of World Bank Environmental Safeguards policies would be an asset.
- Work experience in the Caribbean would be a plus, specifically in Dominica
Duration and Estimated Time Input:
The Consultancy is expected to be awarded for a period of duration of one year.
Salary is negotiable and will depend on qualifications and experience
The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning b& Fisheries now invites eligible candidates to express their interests in providing the service. Interest individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV’s; similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, clients references, etc.
Expressions of interests together with CV’s and other documents may be sent via, mail, email, or fax and delivered to the address below by 18 July 2014 to:
Harold Guiste
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning & Fisheries
Government Headquarters
The following provision in the Meritorious Service Honours Regulations, Chap.19:09 of the Laws of Dominica (1990 Revised Edition), is drawn to the attention of the public: -
“The names of persons considered deserving of an honour for meritorious service to the State of Dominica shall be submitted to the Secretary not later than 30th June in any year.”
Recommendations should be forwarded under confidential cover to:
Secretary to the Cabinet
Cabinet Secretariat
Office of the Prime Minister
Financial Centre
Kennedy Avenue
Or email to:
Property owners in the city of Roseau are advised that Roseau City Council has adopted a Land & House Rate Amnesty by implementing the following:-
- 15% rebate on payment for the period 2005 to 2008 inclusive
- 20% rebate on payment for the period 2001 to 2004 inclusive
- 25% rebate on payment for the period 1990 to 2000 inclusive
This Amnesty will be for a period of six (6) months from 02nd May, 2014 to 01st November, 2014.
Exceptions … The Tax Amnesty shall not apply on any of the following:-
- Property with pending case in Magistrate Court for collection of Land and House Rates.
- Property with Land and House Rates delinquencies which are being paid to a compromise agreement.
P O Box 161
21 Long Lane
Commonwealth of Dominica
Telephone Nos. 1 (767) 448 2973/449 8219
Fax No. 1 (767) 448 1616
Email Address
Persons with companies incorporated under the Companies Act and business names registered under the Registration of Business Names Act are hereby informed of the requirements under the Acts to file Annual Returns and to pay Annual Fees on or before the 2ndof April each year. Companies are also required to a file financial statement or Certificate of Solvency.
If you have not done so please visit the Companies and Intellectual Property Office at 21 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, to have your company or business name brought to good standing.
Failure to comply may result in the company being struck off the Register of Companies.
Please be guided accordingly.