The Government of the Republic of Cuba is inviting applications for scholarships from the citizens of Dominica below the age of forty (40) years to pursue Graduate Medicine and below the age of twenty five (25) years to pursue Undergraduate studies in Medicine, Nursing and Higher Education for the 2020/2021 academic year.
Applicants should possess: A Bachelor’s Degree from Cuba for the Graduate Medicine, an Associate Degree for Undergraduate Medicine, Nursing and Higher Education.
Documents to be presented along with application form are:
- Official Transcript
- Certified copy of Associate Degree
- Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree
- Police Record
- Medical Certificate including HIV test and pregnancy test for females
- Birth Certificate
- 10 ID photos
- Curriculum vitae
- Applicants MUST be a graduate of the Dominica State College in order to apply
Please submit all documents to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning,
Vocational Training and National Excellence
Government Headquarters
Commonwealth of Dominica
Application forms and further information can be obtained from the Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence.
Documents including the Transcript, Degrees (Associate’s or Bachelor’s), Police Record and Medical Certificate MUST be submitted both in English and Spanish.
Deadline for receipt of applications is March 13, 2020.
Public Officers must apply through their Heads of Department.