Child-friendly Schools Campaign launched
The Ministry of Education has officially launched a public outreach campaign for Child Friendly Schools (CFS) in Dominica. This is in an effort to sensitize the public about the ongoing programme which was initially piloted here in 2009.
The CFS initiative promotes a child centred approach to learning and is concerned with the health, safety security, nutritional status and psychological well-being of the child as well as teacher training and appropriateness of teaching methods and learning resources.
It also focuses on behavioural management practices in classrooms, the creation of classrooms that are learning ready and systems that encourage the participation of all children.
Chief Education Officer, Stephenson Hyacinth believes that the creation of safe and effective schools in Dominica is everybody’s business.
“This is a noble and absolutely necessary activity, because the Ministry of Education is of the firm view that the creation of safe and effective schools must involve students, teachers, administrators, parents, law enforcement officers, welfare officers, councilors, the private sector, community leaders, youth officers, the church and the wider society. Everyone has a part to play, and I need to emphasize that everyone has a key role to play in the education of our students”.
The Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNICEF and Child Fund Caribbea (CFC) launched the Child-Friendly Schools Programme in ten primary schools just three years ago, in an effort to foster the development of students in a calmer school setting, as well as to promote parental and community involvement in children’s learning.
The scale of the programme was then increased to twenty-four schools in September last year.