Government of Dominica

2013 Christmas Message from Prime Minister Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit

Fellow citizens,

The triumph of hope and progress over darkness and backwardness is best captured in the words of the first stanza of one of our favourite Christmas Carols “O Come, Divine Messiah”, in this way:

O Come, Divine Messiah,
The world in silence waits the day
When hope shall sing its triumph
And sadness flee away.
Sweet Saviour, haste
Come, come to earth
Dispel the night and show thy face.
And bid us hail the dawn of grace.

These words speak of the desire of the human spirit to break free of all the bonds that hold back happiness and development, and thus usher in a new day when the sun will shine through all efforts to lift the development of the human condition and when all can say with sincerity, “Yes, life is worth living”.
At this time of the year, Christians the world over prepare, in a wide variety of cultural traditions, to commemorate and celebrate the virgin birth of the one true Saviour and Liberator, the man Jesus, the Christ.

He is God, in the form of human flesh, true man, and His mission, which continues today in the community of those who believe He is Lord and Saviour, was to teach the way to a new life – a life of justice, peace and love – with the assurance of everlasting life to those who were faithful to this way of living.

Christmas has become for us, a period of waiting and preparing to receive He who was born of the Virgin Mary. It is a period of reflection, cleansing and adorning to welcome the birth of the King of Kings and the Lord of
Lords on Christmas Day.

Christians believe that Christ was born in a lowly stable, for there was no room for his expectant mother in the hotels of the day. For the individual Christian, this period of preparation is intended to get rid of all the garbage, the unforgiveness, the hurts and disappointments that stand in the way of
Christ becoming alive in our hearts and steering us closer and closer to His kingdom.

My friends, the truth about the Christmas story, is that the epic entrance of God into the world as Christ, is not merely to be taken as an event that occurred over two thousand years ago, but is a phenomenon and a reality that continues to be alive and active today among those who are Christians.

In Dominica, Christmas is the time when the spirit of giving, sharing and reaching out, especially to the less fortunate, spontaneously overflows. The sharing of Christmas gifts, exchanging Christmas cards, gathering together for a Christmas meal, have become a tradition, drawing individuals and
families together in an atmosphere of joy and goodwill. This giving connects us directly with the love of God, who gave His only begotten Son so that those who believe in Him may have eternal life.

Viewed in the right perspective, the ultimate purpose of any government is to do its part to make the spirit of Christmas a tangible, daily reality for everyone. The government which you have given me the honour to lead, will continue to work tirelessly to live up to the standard of trust you have
placed in us. We will spare no effort to so transform Dominica, that there is equality of opportunity for all, and the vulnerable and helpless protected.

In spite of the challenges with which you may be confronted this Christmas, it is my hope that your spirit will never be crushed, that you and the members of your family see even better days ahead, because of the programmes for Dominica`s advancement which, with God`s help and guidance, will unfold to your benefit in the New Year.

As the year draws closer to its end, we thank God for sparing us from the effects of storms and hurricanes and for His watching over our country and our families. We thank him for the gift of geothermal energy and I ask you to pray that in the New Year we will see our plans for this resource coming
to fruition.

On your behalf, I send Christmas greetings and say thank you to the many friends and benefactors who have supported the development agenda of Dominica over the past year.
I wish each of you a peaceful, happy and enjoyable Christmas filled with God`s blessings.



The Princess Margaret Hospital is our principal health care facility and therefore serves the entire country. Our patients and staff come from all over the island. Additionally there are technical assistance personnel from Cuba, Nigeria and other friendly countries. It is therefore a distinct pleasure for me to follow in the tradition of my predecessors in office, in using this time of year to interact with the patients and our country’s healthcare workforce, and to extend Christmas Greetings to you all, and to all Dominicans at home and abroad. There is no other annual celebration which traditionally brings out the goodness in our people like the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Christmas is indeed a time for reflecting on the blessings of the past year. For all of us, Government and people and more particularly health care providers, it is a time to reflect on our achievements in health care delivery, and on the strides we have made in the care for the elderly in hospital, in the community through various institutions, and at their homes through the Yes We Care Program and the achievement in providing for the less fortunate and dependent members of our society.  I believe that the best gift we can share with each other is that of a happy, healthy, and caring family, where support, love and empathy can be found in good times and in bad.  No material gift can replace this true Dominican spirit.  So, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior with our friends and loved ones, let us remember that our health is our responsibility.  We should therefore not indulge in activities and lifestyles or in the foods and drink that are detrimental to our health.  We owe this to ourselves and to the wellbeing of our families and our beloved country.

We all know that these are challenging times locally, regionally and internationally, and that the effects will be felt in our health and social services. The continued delivery of safe and quality services to patients and clients is dependent, more than ever, on the professionalism and extra commitment of our healthcare professionals.  Thanks to your hard work there have been considerable successes. I am aware of several initiatives that are currently underway to address the calls by many for additional facilities and further specialist care. These initiatives include an increase in tertiary care services through the engagements of visiting specialists; the implementation of strategic interventions that are geared at reducing neonatal and infant mortality through the European Union funded Dominica Reduction in Infant Mortality (D-RIM) Program; the procurement of an echocardiogram machine which effectively diagnoses abnormalities in the heart;the implementation of a “Clean Hands’ program and an Infection Control and Prevention Performance Assessment Tool which seek to reduce the rates of infection at the PMH and ensure conformance with infection control guidelines, respectively.

I also note the development of written Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which are expected to maintain standardized uniformity with the provision of health care;  the piloting of the Risk Management Program which seeks to manage both clinical and non-clinical risks so as to increase the level of safety to personnel within the PMH; and the new modern and spacious Conference Room, housed in the APU building, which is equipped with amenities to facilitate meetings and video conferencing.

You will all be aware of the recent pronouncements made by the Honourable Prime Minister in his Independence Day Address, of the pieces of diagnostic equipment that have been procured and are expected to arrive on island by the end of this year.  They are:

  • The new updated CT Scan machine which will assist with the diagnosis of medical conditions;
  • The Digital Mammogram machine which will assist in examining breast tissue for the diagnosis of breast cancer (this machine is currently at the PMH awaiting installation);
  • The Gastroscopy/Colonoscopy System which will assist with the diagnosis of abnormalities within the gastro intestinal tract (this piece of equipment is also currently at the PMH);
  • The Surgical Tower laparoscope which will allow minor and complex surgeries to be performed in the abdomen or pelvis through small incisions;
  • The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan used to detect structural abnormalities of the body;
  • The expected procurement of orthopaedic equipment in the New Year 2014 which will allow bone surgeries to be performed here.

And most importantly you will also be aware of the project for the construction of a modern state of the art hospital in the New Year with grant funding provided by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

All of these pieces of equipment, together with the construction of the new hospital, seek to ensure that we bring better health services to the doorsteps of our people and to reduce the costs involved in having to access health care overseas.

Given the current global challenges, it can be said that we are making great strides in the area of health care.  There is still however, much more work to be done and there will always be scope for improved levels of care. We are fortunate that there are a number of model health care professionals, especially nurses, who take great pride in their work and do not see it as any ordinary job but as a vocation; a job that calls for love, patience and compassion. These caring individuals undertake work that is sometimes beyond the call of duty and often unrecognized by those they care for and the community at large.

I am mindful of the complaints of shortcomings in service delivery at our health institutions and every effort is being made to address these. I wish nevertheless to take this opportunity to remind all gathered here, that the work you do on behalf of the citizenry is critical to the well being of our nation. You are a vital key component to our health system.

As the year 2014 approaches, I am grateful for all that the Ministry of Health has accomplished, and we should all be excited by the plans and programs for the development of the health sector in the short to medium term. I look forward to the benefits that will come from our collective efforts to build a healthier and stronger Dominica.

I would like to take this opportunity to single out those medical professionals who have given more than twenty years of service to our people.  Thank you for your professionalism, hard work and long and dedicated service to the PMH and Dominica.  I further wish to single out those 12 student nurses who were successful at the Regional Nursing Examinations; please accept my sincere congratulations. I am particularly mindful of those of you who will be working over the Christmas period.  On behalf of the Government, and on my own behalf, I say a special thank you for your service and professionalism.  I know you will do all you can to continue to deliver safe and quality service at all times.

On behalf of my wife and myself, I wish each and every one a peaceful, blessed and Merry Christmas, and a prosperous, healthy and Happy New Year. May the good Lord continue to bless us all.

I thank you.


Statement by H.E. Felix Gregoire, Plenipotentiary Representative Of The Commonwealth of Dominica TO CARICOM

Your Excellency Irwin LaRocque, I bring you greetings from your home country, Dominica, and it is with great humility that I present my Credentials to you as the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

We are quite aware of the importance of the Regional Integration Movement to our people in the Caribbean, and the achievements of CARICOM to date are many.  However, CARICOM is forging ahead in the planning and implementation of programmes aimed at providing increased benefits to Caribbean citizens.

I am quite pleased and excited to be joining the CARICOM family at a time when there is the overwhelming desire to make the organization more effective and efficient.  I refer to the Reform Process in train to have CARICOM deliver an improved service.

As the Change Driver appointed by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica to CARICOM, I had the honour to coordinate the National Consultations in Dominica for the CARICOM Change Team that visited in September 2013.  I was very impressed with the level of participation from the people of Dominica, who responded to the CARICOM Team with great enthusiasm.  Your Excellency, I will present to you pictures that capture the tremendous interaction between the Team and Dominican Nationals.  I can assure you that we are looking forward towards the finalization of the New Strategic Plan for CARICOM.

Caribbean people are interested in the Free Movement of people, goods and services as outlined in the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME).  In Dominica, the movement of Finance was identified as a priority item during the consultations, and many people echoed the need for equality and justice as pillars of Caribbean Integration.

Before I end, I must commend the Secretary-General for the emphasis being placed on the Youth.  As we all know, the future of any Institution rests with the Youth and given the programmes being developed and implemented on behalf of the Youth, I daresay that the future for CARICOM looks bright.

In concluding this short Statement, I wish to, once again, express the support of the Government and people of the Commonwealth of Dominica to you, Your Excellency and your Staff.

On behalf of myself and family, I wish you and your Staff much success in the future, as I pledge to make a meaningful contribution towards the Regional Integration Movement.

I thank everyone for the attention.

Address by Ambassador Irwin LaRocque On The Occasion Of The Presentation of Credentials by HIS EXCELLENCY FELIX GREGOIRE Plenipotentiary Representative Of The Commonwealth of Dominica To The Caribbean Community

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the CARICOM Secretariat for the presentation of your credentials as the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

In your new post, you are replacing a much loved and respected figure in the Community, the late Charles Maynard, whose contribution to the integration movement is well chronicled. I am certain, Your Excellency, that you will chart your own path in the knowledge that the foundation laid and the goodwill engendered by Ambassador Maynard will make it easier.

May I also take this opportunity to once again congratulate the Government and People of Dominica on the achievement of 35 years as an independent nation, which you celebrated on 3 November 2013.

Excellency, as you are aware, this year marks the fortieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community, and your appointment today is indeed testimony to your country’s strong commitment to regional integration.  It is a commitment that goes back to the last century, as it was in Dominica that the first stirrings for Caribbean integration were aired by regional labour leaders in 1932.

It is not surprising therefore that your country is continuing to strengthen its participation in the process.  In that regard, I welcome the steps being taken by Dominica to accept the CCJ as its final Court of Appeal, thereby completing the full circle of Dominica’s sovereignty. I look forward to the end of that process that would enable your country to join Barbados, Belize and Guyana which have already done so.

Dominica’s contributions in advancing the work of the Community, particularly in relation to the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) cannot be disputed.  The Prime Minister of Dominica who is charged with the responsibility for labour and free movement of skills within the Community, in the Quasi Cabinet of the Conference, has advanced his portfolio agenda significantly.  And, only recently, on the occasion of his Independence message to the country, His Excellency Charles Savarin, the President of Dominica, reiterated his strong support for the freedom of movement within our Community.

Ambassador, as you take your place among a number of your colleagues who have been accredited to the Caribbean Community, it is my hope that you would be at the forefront of endeavours towards the advancement of regional integration.

Based on your distinguished career, as well as my own personal experience in working with you, I am convinced that you will be an excellent representative of your country on issues of national and regional importance.  Your extensive experience in the Public Service, which includes an appointment to its highest post, that of Cabinet Secretary, augurs well for your performance in this new role.  Your well-known expertise in environmental issues is an added bonus at this time, as the Community’s priorities include adaptation to, and mitigation of, the effects of climate change.

As CARICOM continues to address several other grave challenges, including those caused by external economic shocks, natural disasters, transnational crime and external debt, our ability as a Region to speak with one voice in hemispheric and international processes, such as the discussion on the upcoming Post 2015 Development Agenda, should never be under estimated.

These challenges do not occur sequentially.  Rather, we encounter them all simultaneously and our capacity to respond to them and to also exploit opportunities that may arise, depend in significant measure, on the extent to which our procedures and functioning as a Community can be strengthened.  As I have mentioned before, in other fora, it will require, firstly, consistent and positive engagement in the areas selected for priority action; secondly, effective decision-making machinery; and thirdly, the capacity to change in order to deliver.

I am aware that instituting such change will not be easy.  That notwithstanding, the Community is engaged in a process of reform that encompasses every facet of its operations and institutions, that must result in a change in the way we function.  The Heads of Government agreed in March 2012 that it was necessary to re-examine the future direction of the Community and the arrangements for carrying this forward.  This includes the role and function of the CARICOM Secretariat and the Institutions of the Community.

This change process is well underway and a key role is being played by the Change Drivers designated by Heads of Government in each Member State.  Ambassador, we look to you as Dominica’s Change Driver to facilitate the change process at the national level.  I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance in ensuring the success of the recent consultations in Dominica on the Community’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, one of the key elements of the reform process. The Plan will set out a common vision and identify our priority areas of focus over the next five years.

Importantly however, we will be looking to you as Change Driver to continue “as the voice, advocate, enabler and mobilizer for the Community change process at the country level” as well as to be engaged in the process within the Secretariat and the Community Organs.  I have no doubt, Ambassador, that you personally, and your country will continue to participate in re-shaping our Community through your active engagement and support.

Excellency, it is evident that there is much work to be done within the Community, and that there will be many opportunities for you to serve as the bridge between Dominica and the Community.  Your knowledge and experience make you well equipped to contribute to the Community's deliberations on matters both internally and in our engagements with third parties.

Your Excellency, I congratulate you on your accreditation as the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the Caribbean Community and I wish you every success in the execution of your new responsibilities.

Thank you!

Address to the Nation by Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit Prime Minister On the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of Independence

November 3, 2013
4:00 P.M.
Windsor Park Sports Stadium


Excellency Charles Savarin, President of Dominica and Mrs. Savarin
Hon. Alix Boyd- Knights, Speaker of the House of Assembly
Ministers of Government
Members of Parliament
Former Presidents of Dominica
Your Lordship the Bishop of Roseau
Your Lordships Resident Judges Brookes and Thomas
Former Prime Ministers of Dominica
His Worship the Mayor of Roseau
Your Excellencies Ambassadors and High Commissioners
Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps
Members of the Clergy
Specially invited guests
Uniformed Groups
Friends and Fellow Dominicans here at home and abroad

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will….”
Fellow Dominicans, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is one of the largest and most colourful audiences I have ever seen assembled for an Independence Day Parade! It is always a pleasure for me to see you gather in such large numbers, to witness our disciplined forces on parade, to celebrate the achievements of our country and those who will receive awards today, and to address you.
Our disciplined and uniformed groups are immaculately attired, reflecting their pride in serving our country. I salute all on parade here this afternoon.
Independence Day Parade 2013 will go down in history, as among the most vibrant. It is a source of great hope for our nation, when babies, children, young people, adults, the elderly, male and female, can all embrace our culture and nationhood, through active participation in our Independence celebrations.

The atmosphere here today of patriotism and pride, is similar to the euphoria which was experienced at last Friday's National Youth Rally, which also created new records of participation.
Your presence tells me, that you have distinguished right from wrong, sense from nonsense, responsibility from immaturity, love of country from love of party.

It is with pride that I welcome my fellow Dominicans, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, specially invited guests, awardees and friends. I say a special welcome also, to the many persons from the Diaspora who have travelled from far and wide to celebrate with us today. The presence of all of you here is a clear demonstration that on 3rd November, you have made the time to salute our beloved country.
In a true spirit of unity and brotherhood, we welcome the contingent of Cadets from St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands. These young people, some of whom are Dominicans, are here to fraternize and to build bridges of friendship with our own Cadet Corps, and we thank them for joining us in celebration of our Independence.

You have also created history in Dominica, by being the first group to stay at the newly restored Troops Barracks Hostel at Fort Shirley at the Cabrits, which has been restored by this Government as a community hostel to accommodate local, regional and international groups like yours. We hope that you are enjoying your stay with us.
I am aware that there are many of you listening via radio and the internet, who would have liked to be here, but for various reasons you are not able to do so. I send you greetings and best wishes.
The theme of our celebration, “One Mission, One Dominica, Celebrating 35”, calls on us to find that quality of love for Dominica, that impels us to dispel our prejudices and differences with one another, and to find avenues of cooperation and collaboration, in pursuing the mission of building our nation.
We will not always agree on everything; but if we act towards each other with respect, and commit to engaging in civil dialogue, then we will discover, that there are many matters on which we agree, and on which we can therefore act in unison, for the betterment of Dominica.

The mission of the Government which I am privileged and honoured to lead, has been to build a nation that is uniquely ours, to an advanced stage of development. We have placed this country on a path marked by people-centred progress, in the use of science and technology, and the creation of employment opportunities; on a path where culture and the arts can flourish; on a path of tolerance where the respect for dignity of our fellow men, transcend their weaknesses and frailties; A nation where everyone, no matter what his status, likes and preferences, has a place at the table of nation building.
It is heartening to note that the vast majority of the citizens of Dominica remain focused on national development, and have been rallying with Government in its efforts.
My friends, the celebration of the 35th anniversary of our Independence, has to include the celebration of the achievers, who have demonstrated their loyalty to our nation with disciplined and dedicated service over a sustained period.

Shortly, his Excellency the President will be bestowing awards to a selection of deserving citizens. Their names will be forever recorded in the history of nation building, and will outlast the awards they will receive today.
We also want to single out for recognition, some of those among us, who are blazing a path of excellence and promise, and who stand out as models of inspiration for our youth, professionals and the wider society.
New opportunity signals as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our Independence; opportunities that will open up, as we penetrate a new frontier of our development. This new frontier is to be found in geothermal energy.
Four weeks ago, we hosted a consultation in Roseau comprising fifteen of our development partners, regional organizations and global experts in geothermal energy development, and representatives of local community and private sector interests. The purpose of the consultation was to share information and exchange views on Dominica`s approach to geothermal energy development. The group of development partners in attendance, commended the Government on its geothermal programme, and pledged their support for its further development.
Assured of the technical and financial support for commercializing the geothermal resource of the Roseau Valley, we can pronounce with greater assurance, our vision for Dominica as the undisputed Nature Isle of the Caribbean, a globally recognized sustainable energy advocate, and a leader for Small Island Developing States.
We intend to make Dominica the first carbon-negative economy in our hemisphere, and we will continue our efforts in promoting geothermal energy, as the leading answer to creating employment, lower energy costs and increased competitiveness in the private sector.

Within a week, drilling of the first production and re-injection wells will commence. This is a precursor to the construction of a small geothermal plant of 15 to 20 megawatts, for supplying electricity to the local market. The plant is expected to be operational by the end of 2015, and consumers can expect to see an initial drop of about 30 per cent in their electricity bills. Negotiations are in progress with a French Consortium for building a 100 megawatt geothermal plant, which will supply electricity to Guadeloupe and Martinique. As the negotiations proceed, we are becoming more and more confident that an agreement will be arrived at, which will be of significant benefit to the people of Dominica.

Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, Government has invested heavily in agriculture, a sector which grew by over 5 per cent in 2012. This has resulted in us achieving a certain level of food security in Dominica.
Now that the abattoir being constructed in Layou Park is almost complete, the country is now positioned to achieve self-sufficiency in the supply of poultry and pork. The opportunity is now wide open for existing and potential poultry and pork farmers, our young men and women, to take up the challenge of supplying these products to the nation.
We are encouraged by the effort of one company, which has decided to establish two hatcheries, to supply young chicks to the market.

We are hopeful, that others will follow their example and make the decision to contribute to the nation`s requirements for dietary protein, create jobs at home, and save foreign exchange.
Let me today remind all existing and potential farmers, that under the apprenticeship and mentorship programmes, assistance in the form of a contribution to wages, is available to any farmer who is willing to engage a young entrepreneur interested in establishing an agricultural enterprise.
Both the AID Bank and the National Cooperative Credit Union have responded to the call for further investment in agriculture, by introducing highly concessionary financing to farmers. The facilities available from these institutions, will augment those of government in the Agricultural Investment Unit, and via support programmes to the National Development Foundation.
Fortunately, Government has had the foresight, and has invested heavily in the infrastructure required for successfully conducting trade in agricultural commodities, under the current international rules.

Equipment to be installed in the recently completed pack houses, will soon be purchased through financing facilities made available through the CARICOM Development Fund.
The final link in the production and export chain that is being tackled, is transportation. An allocation of $4.0 million was made in this year`s budget to go towards the purchase of an appropriate vessel for transporting agricultural and other products. Discussions are ongoing with interested and knowledgeable parties, for finalizing the purchase and operation of the chosen vessel at the soonest.
Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, God has blessed us with a country that is able to produce more than we can consume at any one time. Evidence of this was on display at the “Market Day with a Difference” this year. The markets were overflowing with an abundance of produce of a wide variety, a clear indication that the farmers are responding to the initiatives of Government to boost production.
To encourage the emergence of other products and new industries, Government, within the next three months, will establish a fund for Innovation and Development in Agro Industry.

The fund will be targeted at agricultural communities, and at farmers groups and individuals, with the interest and motivation in adding value to agricultural raw material, by converting them to marketable, finished products. This initiative will not only eliminate waste, but it will allow for the farmer to spend more time on his farm.
The hotel and resort sector is showing great promise, growth and expansion. The Rosalie and the Secret Bay Resorts have achieved the distinction of being ranked by the prestigious magazines, ‘Travel and Leisure’, and ‘Condé Nast Traveller’, among the best intimate hotels in the world. The success of Secret Bay revealed the need for expansion of the resort, which was successfully carried out recently.
There are a number of properties of varied sizes, which have opened their doors to the public in recent months. We should be in a position to conclude very soon, the negotiations for the management of the Cabrits Hotel. Training for potential employees is ongoing, and administered by the Small Business and Employment Agency, in collaboration with the Dominica State College.

We can also celebrate the successful start of the cruise season. Due to the efforts of Government, there will be a 20 percent increase in cruise ship calls over that of the last season. I call on all stakeholders in the tourism and cruise business, to conduct their affairs in a manner that does not undermine the current promise of growth of the sector.
Fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen, Government has made the creation of employment a priority. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), global youth unemployment stands at 12.6% and 73 million young people will be without work in 2013. The ILO calls for action on youth unemployment.
We concur with the recommendation of the ILO for the adoption of “fiscally sustainable and targeted measures, public employment programmes, employment guarantee schemes, labour-intensive infrastructure programmes, wage and training subsidies and other specific youth employment interventions.”
This financial year, the government is investing over $9 million into the Employment and Small Business Support Unit for small business development, employment, and job creation initiatives.

I wish to announce at this time, that through the National Employment Programme, which will be officially launched on 2nd December 2013, the Government of Dominica will engage over 400 people in direct employment initiatives. As a matter of fact, already, 95 individuals who have completed hospitality apprenticeship training in Portsmouth have received confirmed placements at over 25 hospitality establishments in the North and will be engaged for a period of one year.
The following also form part of the initiatives:

  • 240 individuals who have completed training with the Employment and Small Business Agency, Adult Education Division, Basic Needs Trust Fund, and the Dominica State College will be engaged in an on-the job training and mentorship programme with over 80 businesses and organizations across the island.
  • 35 university graduates will receive opportunities for internships with the Government and other Statutory Bodies including the AID Bank, Invest Dominica Authority and the Dominica State College, to name a few.
  • 10 Communities will receive support to hire over 50 individuals on special community projects including community tourism initiatives, resource centre management, school feeding programmes and landscaping.
  • Through a new Education Mentorship Programme over 50 young people will be employed to provide after-school care, tutoring, and homework assistance to primary and secondary school students in communities across the island.
  • A number of other initiatives will be launched in 2014 to provide specialized assistance to expansion of small and medium-sized businesses with job creation potential. A package of direct marketing support, technical assistance, and financing will be made available for such businesses.

These employment initiatives will provide recent graduates and unemployed youth with a valuable opportunity to gain experience and job-related skills and knowledge. We also believe that the business community will gain significant benefits from the additional human resource support that this initiative will provide.

Fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen, the business and investment environment is dynamic and competitive. This is especially so with offshore data entry and call centre enterprises. To survive and compete in this sector, the trick is to always have in place, a modern state of the art infrastructure, capable of attracting new entrants with minimum disruption.
We applaud the efforts of the AID Bank for remaining on top of the game in that regard.
The Government is at an advanced stage of discussion, with a United States based company, to establish a new centre that will employ up to 400 persons. These new jobs will become available to employees who were displaced by the downsizing of Clear Harbour, in the first instance. Interviews with some of them, and others, have already commenced.
The discussions ran into a slight snag, with respect to false information sent to the company, concerning the rate of attrition of workers in Dominica. I am confident, however, that with our intervention, we shall get these negotiations back on track, and very shortly we should be in a position to update the country on this very significant development.

To complement the small business initiative administered by the Government, we will enter into a loan agreement with the National Development Foundation of Dominica (NDFD), through which a $5.0 million low interest loan facility will be channelled for on-lending to start-up and existing small business enterprises.
The first $2.0 million will be made available this very month of November. So, to persons who have a business idea, and need the start-up capital to turn vision into reality, your Government, through the NDFD, shall provide a helping hand.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the health of the nation is of paramount importance. Health care remains a priority for this administration. Despite the proactive policy and heavy investments made in this area, the escalating cost of health care, influenced almost fully by external factors, remains a concern. We must address this as a nation.
I wish on this occasion to remind all, that there is a level of personal responsibility that must come into play.

Government has received draft designs from the People’s Republic of China for a new hospital. The designs are currently being reviewed by health personnel and advisors, to ensure that the new hospital, when it is finally delivered, meets our expectations and requirements.
Meanwhile, since the announcement of Government’s intention to purchase some much needed equipment, we have been engaged in ensuring that these pieces of equipment become available to the people of Dominica, in the shortest possible time. I must report to you, that by 20th December 2013, the new CT Scan machine should be delivered to the Ministry of Health. The new Mammogram machine is expected to be delivered on 21st November, 2013.
The Gastroscopy/Colonoscopy System is expected to be delivered by 15th November, 2013. The procurement of a Surgical Tower Laparoscope is expected to begin by 25th November, 2013. Government has allocated $1.5 million for the purchase of an MRI. Additional pieces of equipment have been recommended, and resources are being sourced for their inclusion in the purchase.

All of these pieces of equipment, together with the construction of the new hospital, seek to ensure that we bring better health services to the doorsteps of our people and to reduce the cost to access health care overseas.
Health is a key area of focus for this administration and in the not-too-distant future, certainly, before the end of this year, I will make a major announcement, in this regard.
Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, another achievement of this Government is the significant improvement to the road network. We can now boast that most of our major roads are in good condition; reducing the time of travel, saving on fuel, and reducing the wear and tear on vehicles.
Engineering designs and survey work for the upgrading and rehabilitation of the east coast roads from Pond Casse, right through to the White River, is currently ongoing. Seventeen feeder roads will be improved with work expected to start during the second quarter of next year and, of course, we await the opening of the Pond Casse to Melville Hall section of the new highway.

In the area of education, all of our citizens, young and old alike, believe that education is the passport to success.
This recognition has been emboldened with the completion of the new Dominica State College, and with the realization that soon, our young people will be able to remain right here at home, and earn a university degree. The record enrolment for this semester, and graduation of 320 students from the College just a few weeks ago, is evidence that Government's education policy is working, and delivering the expected fruits.
Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, we continue to respond to the high demand for housing solutions around the country. Never in the history of Dominica, have our people been so inspired and moved to own homes at the rate that we are receiving queries and applications. This is very commendable.
Our response has included the construction of houses throughout the country, and includes the commencement of the construction of 60 apartment units in Elmshall and Bath Estate.

It includes the regularisation of squatters and land development, and it includes the renovation to homes of many disadvantaged persons throughout the country. Government intends to continue to work with our citizens to facilitate wherever and however possible, to ensure that every Dominican has an acceptable housing standard.

Central government has just released a further $3.0 million for use in home repairs across the island and another $4.0 million will be made available in grant form, for the elimination of pit latrine initiative, which I spoke about a few weeks ago.
I am dumbfounded that there would be persons in this country, who would oppose such a programme, at this time in our nation's development. Nonetheless, we shall press ahead, and I insist that pit latrines or what some call "out houses", shall be a thing of the past in Dominica, under my watch as Prime Minister of this country.

Within the last two years, 63 loans totalling $10.5 million was loaned to public officers through the Government Housing Loans Board. We will continue to support the work of the Board to ensure that the housing needs of public officers are addressed.
In addition to all that has gone on, and which is currently underway in the housing sub-sector, a further $5.0 million will be funnelled through the Aid Bank for on-lending, at very low interest rates, to persons who fall in the low income bracket and who would not normally qualify for regular commercial loans or mortgages.

Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, these are difficult times the world over, and resources are scarce....but we shall do what we must, to guarantee our people a satisfactory standard of living and a higher quality of life. Our projections for GDP growth for Dominica in 2013 is 1.6 percent. Given the global challenges, the achievement of growth is not easy, but we have stayed the course and we have ensured that the platform for reducing poverty remains intact.
However, reaping the benefits that are held in that promise, calls for each of us to commit to the mission of pursuing excellence, in our approach to work, and in the conduct of our lives. Very importantly, we must promote the positives about Dominica. We must work to build and not tear down this country!

We need, as Dominicans resident at home and abroad, to get into the business of promoting Dominica, and all that it offers. We need to wrap our utterances in the flag. We need to say and do what helps to build the image of our country.
There are many friends and development partners of Dominica who continue to collaborate with us in our development efforts. I say a special thank you to the Governments of the People’s Republic of China, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the European Union, Morocco, Cuba, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France and Japan.
Your continued assistance to us, is demonstrative of your mutual respect and friendship, and the confidence that you have in this Government’s ability to make good use of these resources. On behalf of the Government and people of Dominica, I say a heartfelt thank you.

Fellow Dominicans, ladies and gentlemen, there are economic hardships the world over. There are social challenges across every continent but your Government is working. You can see the evidence of our numerous achievements all around you. You have heard the number of new initiatives for further development and advancement of our country.

Now is not the time to change course. Now is not the time to listen to false prophets making unrealistic promises. Let us continue together on the path of progress that we have charted.
I remain concerned about some attitudes and behaviours in our society. We must encourage hard work and productivity. We must build a spirit of national pride. Let us make a 35th birthday pledge of building our nation in an environment of peace. Let us move forward together with one mission advancing the growth and development for the benefit of all of us.

Happy Independence Day Dominica! May God Bless this wondrous isle.

I thank you.

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