Honourable Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica
My Dear Wife Clara
Honourable Reginald Austrie, Deputy Prime Minister and Mrs. Austrie
Honourable Alix Boyd Knights, Speaker of the House of Assembly
His Excellency Eliud Williams, former President of the Commonwealth of Dominica and Mrs. Williams
Honourable Lady Catherine Daniel, Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs, Family and Gender Affairs
Other Ministers of Government
Honourable Lennox Linton, Leader of the Opposition and Mrs. Linton
Other Parliamentarians
Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps,
Reverend Father Nigel Karam, Dean of the Cathedral
Spiritual Leaders
Fellow Dominicans at home and abroad, good afternoon.
The preamble of our Constitution asserts that: “the people of Dominica have affirmed that the Commonwealth of Dominica is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, faith in fundamental human rights and freedoms, the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions, the dignity of the human person, and the equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by the Creator.”
The Motto which appears on our Coat of Arms proclaims: “Apres Bondie C’est Later”, that is, After God is the Earth which means that God comes before power, before politics, before party, before religion, before wealth, before silver and gold, before everything.
On this National Day of Prayer, Repentance and Reconciliation, it is therefore fitting that we recall the preamble of our Constitution and the words of our Motto and that we make our peace with God the Almighty Father and with each other through Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, Forgiveness, and the Rededication of our lives and our Blessed and Favored Land to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
As Head of State and as a person who has had a miracle in his life, I thank the Almighty Father to be alive today and for the privilege to greet you all, in the Most Precious Name of the Lord our God. I also take this opportunity to thank the Government of Dominica and the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, Family and Gender Affairs for calling the Nation to this very significant occasion where we can humble ourselves as a people before Almighty God, the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, seeking His blessings, grace, mercy and peace.
My fellow brothers and sisters, I humbly ask you to join me in acknowledging God’s grace and faithfulness towards us as a people and a Nation. This is evident as we look around and see the recovery of our natural environment and the rebuilding which is taking place all around us, less than two (2) years after the terrible events of September 18, 2017 when we thought all hope was gone. We acknowledge the invisible hands of our Lord and Savior which continue to hold us together and lift us up above our own expectations.
In Deuteronomy 28: 1-3 we are assured of God’s blessings for obedience to the Lord as follows:
“1If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: 3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”
And in John 17: 6-8, Jesus prays for His Disciples saying:
“6 I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. 8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.”
Having regard to the verses of Scripture just referred to, I therefore offer this Prayer for the Nation:
Lord Jesus we stand before you today in our human imperfections, seeking forgiveness for our sins be it in words, thoughts and deeds. Lord Jesus, for the many times we have not acknowledged your supremacy in this land, notwithstanding our solemn pledge in the preamble of our Constitution, we ask for your forgiveness;
For the many times we as a Nation have neglected to acknowledge Your countless blessings and to show gratitude, we ask for Your forgiveness;
For the many times we have failed to put You first as stated in the Motto on our Coat of Arms, we ask for Your forgiveness;
For the many times we have not opened ourselves to serve, we ask for Your forgiveness; and
For the many times we have not humbled ourselves before Your thrown of grace and mercy, we ask for Your forgiveness.
Shower Your Holy Spirit upon us who are gathered here in Your Name. Just as you have enlightened the minds of the disciples by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, may you bless us and give us the gifts of the Spirit forever. May that same Holy Spirit direct and inspire us to work together for Your honour and glory and for the good of your people. As a Nation, help us to desire righteousness more than rights, and to mirror sacrifice more than selfishness. You know us well and You understand our flaws. Turn those weaknesses into strengths, bathe us with Your grace, mercy and peace, and open our eyes to see others as you see us with godly potential and value.
Heavenly Father as we approach the peak of the hurricane season, we call upon you and seek your protection from all storms, from the winds and from the rains, from raging rivers and rough seas, and from harm and danger of all kinds. Send your Holy Angels from Heaven to guide and protect us and help us always to live as children of light, now and forever. Amen
Pursuing Resilience and Inclusive Growth and Development in Dominica Post Maria
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members of the House of Assembly,
I give thanks first of all to God Almighty for allowing us to again congregate in this August and Honourable House of Assembly. I thank you Madam Speaker most sincerely for the invitation which you extended to my wife and I to attend this sitting of the House and for me to address this the First Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Ninth Parliament.
Madam Speaker, the challenges and trials which have confronted us these last couple of years make the words penned by Charles Wesley, the brother of John Wesley – the founder of the Methodist Church, particularly relevant, and I quote:
“And are we yet alive, and see each other's face? Glory and thanks to Jesus give, for his almighty grace! What troubles have we seen, what mighty conflicts past, fightings without, and fears within, since we assembled last! Yet out of all, the Lord hath brought us by his love; and still he doth his help afford, and hides our life above.”
Madam Speaker, I chose these words of Charles Wesley, to remind us in this House and in the Nature Island to give thanks and praise to God for the great things he has done for us as a people since we last met at the beginning of the last financial year, and to call on us to pray for his continued blessings upon us, in this new financial year.
On this occasion, I am particularly pleased and honoured to be given the privilege to address you on an optimistic note as we witness the phenomenal recovery which is taking place in Dominica less than two (2) years after the catastrophic impact of Hurricane Maria. I have therefore decided to address you on the important topic of “Pursuing Resilience and Inclusive Growth and Development in Dominica Post Maria.”
The Threat To Our Survival
Madam Speaker, it is widely accepted that the impacts on the local economy of Tropical Storm ERIKA (2015) followed by Hurricane MARIA (2017) represent a loss of 93% (latest IMF estimate) and 226% respectively of the island’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). When taken in conjunction with the underlying phenomenon of Climate Change, these climate-induced natural disasters have altered the awareness and behaviour, the very psyche of Dominicans, in fundamental ways.
The evidence reveals that our survival as a country is under threat and that this danger is coming from sources outside of our direct control. Added to this reality is the incidence of vulnerability of the island to externally influenced economic shocks, such as that which precipitated the demise of the local banana industry several years ago, and the attack on financial services with the risk of the termination of correspondent bank relationships, is the still higher risk of ‘Climate Induced Natural Disasters’.
As was the case with Erika and Maria, these natural disasters are capable of causing considerable loss of life and of disrupting critical infrastructure and livelihoods in the entire country for extended periods. In the process, hard earned gains in national prosperity, wealth creation and individual wellbeing are either lost altogether or severely compromised. These phenomena force citizens and Government alike into a “continuous replacement mode”; replacing roads, bridges, sea and river defences; dredging and re-dredging rivers and water courses; replacing schools, hospitals and health centres; replacing public utilities; replacing hotel and tourism facilities; replacing manufacturing and processing plant; replacing housing and business facilities; re-establishing agricultural and fisheries production and re-establishing the very forest itself, etc.
The Undaunted Dominican Spirit
But this traumatic experience has not daunted the Dominican spirit. Instead it has strengthened the culture of struggle and resistance embedded in the psyche of the Dominican people, who have had to struggle over time, not just with the elements but with the challenges posed by the very topography. Nevertheless, the overall threat confronting the populace at this time is not perceived by the ordinary citizen as being insurmountable. If there was any doubt as to the resilience and fighting spirit of the Dominican people, we only have to listen to the account of the real life struggles of Miss Jair Pendenque which she articulated in her Valedictorian Address at the 17th Graduation Ceremony of the Dominica State College on Tuesday, 9th July 2019, and her determination to “never give up”.
This determination to ‘build back better and stronger’ and never give up is attributable in part to the leadership role being displayed by Central Government in responding to the challenges at hand, by announcing to the United Nations and therefore to the world, just five (5) days after the passage of Hurricane Maria, a vision to rebuild Dominica better and stronger and as the first climate resilient country in the world.
This vision was embraced by the international community and has galvanized support for its implementation, thereby enabling the taking of several strategic steps to include:
- Operationalization of the Climate Resilient Execution Agency of Dominica (CREAD) buttressed by the requisite legislation which was passed in the House of Assembly in 2018.
- The massive housing and re-roofing programme island-wide that is currently underway, spearheaded by Government under the Citizenship By Investment Programme (CBI), and which is also being funded in part with external donor support and humanitarian assistance.
- Rehabilitation or restoration of physical and institutional infrastructure notably with respect to roads, bridges, sea and river defences, drainage systems, capacity building initiatives and management systems.
- (4) The complete relocation of two (2) communities in the south-east of the island namely Petite Savanne and Dubique which were totally devastated by Tropical Storm ERIKA and which has resulted in the resettlement of one hundred and sixty-five (165) families to a relatively nearby alternative location; that is Bellevue Chopin and an additional fifty (50) families from Dubique resettled at Centre, Grand Bay.
When addressing the United Nations on 23rd September 2017 just five (5) days after the passage of Hurricane Maria, the Prime Minister said “We as a country and as a region did not start this war against nature! We did not provoke it! The war has come to us!!”
Madam Speaker, Dominica in 2019 may thus be properly classified as a country on a “War-Footing” after having been attacked by the forces of nature, and therefore focusing on developing its state of readiness to confront the many hazards which we continue to be faced with and which can properly be attributed to Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerability.
The United Nations Agenda For Sustainable Development
Central to that overall effort of developing a state of readiness, is that of fostering Resilience throughout the society. This is consistent with the United Nations (UN) “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, an agreement among United Nations (UN) Member States (including Dominica) which officially came into existence in January 2016. Specifically, GOAL 13 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seeks to:
“strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters in all countries”.
Economic Growth
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members, while Building Resilience is important and indeed necessary, it must be taken in context; it cannot, and indeed should not be dealt with in isolation of the several other SDGs central to which is the issue of ‘Economic Growth’, particularly as set out in Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) namely to:
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.
A retrospective look at the record on national economic growth performance over the past decade, say 2006-2016, reveals a mean annual growth rate of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 1.8% for Dominica; this compares with 1.76% for St Kitts & Nevis, the next best performing OECS country when measured against that yardstick. Furthermore, unlike many of the neighbouring island economies, Dominica’s topography is such that in addition to the challenges which it presents, we have had to contend with a range of Climate Induced Disasters of varying magnitudes over the period at reference (2006-2016) resulting in flooding, damage from rough seas, drought, pest & disease in agriculture, and landslides. For example, it was during the said period that Hurricane Dean (2007) struck the island followed by Hurricane Omar (2008); these were Category 2 and 3 events respectively.
Prior to this, during the decade of the 1980s “when banana was king”, the mean annual growth rate of real GDP in Dominica was 4.4%; that is considerably higher than the comparable figure today. However, while the data reveals that growth in GDP annually was better or faster back then on average, the evidence is unequivocal that the trajectory of the economy during the period at reference (1980-1990) was not sustainable. This finding is in addition to the fact that the onset of Climate Change was in its infancy at that time and hence the incidence of Disaster Vulnerability in the country had not yet transitioned into the global crisis that it is today.
Moreover, the “continuous replacement mode” phenomenon alluded to earlier in this address constitute a significant constraint to the growth and development process in Dominica, a situation which can be expected to be reduced or ameliorated as a result of the emphasis on National Resilience Building.
Inclusive Growth
Madam Speaker, with respect to achieving Inclusive Growth, the National Resilience Development Strategy (NRDS) makes reference to the UN SDGs target annual growth rate of GDP for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of 7% coupled with low inflation. The NRDS articulates five (5) Strategic Growth Poles for Dominica to encompass renewable energy, productive enterprises, creative industries, infrastructure and human services. Necessary action on several of these Growth Poles is considerably advanced at this time, as is the case with renewable energy for example, as manifested in the Geothermal Energy Development Project. However, I am advised that this is not yet the case with all of the potential Growth Poles mentioned and thus corrective action is necessary to advance progress in those areas.
The Onus Is On All Of Us
It is also important to appreciate that as an Independent Sovereign State the onus is on us to identify the requisite financial resources necessary for investing in the survival and prosperity of our people, whether directly, say for allocation via the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP), or through private sector entrepreneurial activity. Prior to the attainment of Political Independence in 1978, that responsibility was shared with Great Britain. In fact such a situation, which may properly be defined as a quasi-colonial relationship, still exist today regarding several of the neighbouring Caribbean islands such as the British Virgin Islands (BVI), the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), Anguilla, St. Maarten and Puerto Rico, all of which were struck by Hurricanes Irma and/or Maria in 2017. Indeed, this category of countries may be further extended to also encompass the French Caribbean Islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, etc.
As Good As Any And Better Than Many
The evidence is that the recovery of Dominica post the 2017 hurricane season is as good as that of any of the other Caribbean islands which were also impacted and indeed better than most. The ingredients for this phenomenal performance post Maria, may be characterized as a platform for the Emerging Growth Trajectory which the country is transitioning onto, one which is inclusive of anyone who is willing and/or able to invest in the future, whether living here at home or overseas in the diaspora. In this regard, the following major initiatives, already underway in Dominica, are consistent with such a platform namely:
- Modernization of the agriculture and fisheries sector to mainstream greenhouse technology, hydroponics, higher farm productivity, the utilization of robust soil and water conservation practices, as well as aqua culture and mariculture as envisaged under the US$25 million World Bank financed “Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilient Project” and other funding for agriculture.
- Continued emphasis on recovery of the Tourism Sector to its pre-hurricane Maria level and beyond, with visitor expenditure targeted to trend above the EC$383.28 million achieved in 2016. To date, First and Second Quarter stay-over arrivals have surpassed 2016, 2017 and 2018, totalling 43,774 arrivals as opposed to 26,265 in 2018, 40,699 in 2017 and 35,340 in 2016. This improved outturn in 2019 when viewed in conjunction with the massive expansion or investment in new hotel plant in the country that is now underway, most of which are in the five (5) star hotel category, combined with an islandwide re-development of the road network and proposals for the construction of an international airport, a cruise port and cruise village, when taken together all of these augur well for improved sources of employment and income on the horizon for Dominicans, whether resident here on island or living abroad.
A New National Economy
Madam Speaker, it could therefore be said that a new national economy is emerging from the ruins of those climate induced natural disasters of 2015 and 2017, an exercise which will require some nurturing … if the seeds being planted now are to bear fruit abundantly in the future. Against this background, it is prudent to be mindful of the fact that … in life, success is never guaranteed. Indeed, there are numerous examples worldwide, regionally and in Dominica, where well prepared plans and programmes have failed to materialise.
Madam Speaker, I am optimistic about Dominica’s future. We have done exceedingly well in our recovery so far post Hurricane Maria and we can all be proud and congratulate ourselves on our achievements to date.
General Elections and the Electoral Process
Madam Speaker, this is the First Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Ninth Parliament which means that when we meet again in this setting, it will be the First Meeting of the First Session of the Tenth Parliament; that is after the upcoming General Elections.
A General Election may be characterized as the quintessential manifestation of democracy in a country; at its core, it provides citizens with the right and the opportunity to choose their representatives in Parliament and thereby their Government via secret ballot. Additionally, there are the crucial underlying institutions or mechanisms necessary for the proper functioning of the election process to include the Media, the Rule of Law, the Electoral Commission and its associated machinery which, taken altogether, comprise the architecture of a Democratic System.
Typically, General Elections held in Dominica are peaceful and the process is conducted in a manner in keeping with International Best Practice. Furthermore, the country’s membership in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as well as in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), the Commonwealth, the Organization of American States (OAS) and of course the United Nations (UN), imply a Code of Conduct by Government and Opposition on matters pertaining to Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and Democracy at the national level.
This upcoming poll is expected to be peaceful as well as being undertaken in a manner consistent with International Best Practice. Essentially, the system or regime for conducting a “Free and Fair Poll” in Dominica is in place, and it has been so for several decades; indeed since before the attainment of independence in 1978.
Madam Speaker, no system anywhere is perfect; indeed in the struggle of life, there is always room for improvement in our various systems and endeavours and that principle applies to our electoral system as well. But generally that system has stood us in good stead over the years and all three (3) of our major political parties have won and lost elections under the existing system.
As our country faces the future, may the Good Lord continue to shower His blessings on our people as together we seek to overcome the many challenges confronting the nation along with fostering the understanding necessary to persevere in pursuit of excellence. We also seek the Lord’s guidance in strengthening our resolve as a people to build a prosperous Dominica, and to do so in a manner which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Because Madam Speaker, when Dominica succeeds it is the entire nation, all of our people, at home and abroad, who will benefit. As Parliamentarians and citizens therefore, let us seek God’s guidance to love one another and to unite in a common endeavour, not only to build back better and stronger, but indeed to make Dominica the first climate resilient country in the world.
I thank you.
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members of the House of Assembly,
I am delighted to be here in response to your kind and gracious invitation to me to address the First Meeting of the Second Session of the Ninth Parliament. My wife also joins me in thanking you for inviting her to join me at this meeting.
I wish first of all to warmly congratulate Honourable Denise Charles, the newly elected Member for the Soufriere Constituency, for her victory at the by-election held for that constituency on June 7. It is my hope that she will give of her utmost in representing her constituency and that her contributions to this Parliament will be carried out with distinction and will conform not only to the Standing Order of the House but to the highest levels of parliamentary probity to be found anywhere within the Commonwealth.
Allow me also to thank Mr. Ian Pinard the immediate past Parliamentary Representative for the Soufriere Constituency for the service he has rendered to this House and for his spirited representation of the Soufriere Constituency.
The Challenges We Face
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members,
We live in difficult and challenging times. The ugly face of terrorism straddles four continents. The Religion of states that in 2015 there were 2,865 acts of terrorism in 53 countries in which 27, 625 people were killed and 26, 148 injured. In 2016 so far that is up to June 2016 there were 1,317 terrorist attacks with 12,122 people killed and 14, 844 injured, with the attack in Nice, France standing out vividly in our minds. We are also challenged by the fact that climate change and global warming are taking their toll on the productive capacity of the land within large swathes of our planet and threatens the very survival of small islands and low lying states.
We here in Dominica have not been spared from the effects of unusual events which the experts are attributing to climate change. August 27 2015 will forever be etched in the memories of those of us who were on island as the day when the heavens opened and the rains poured down upon us evoking images of the biblical flood.
The damage done to Dominica by the waters of Tropical Storm Erika was massive and extensive.
August 27, 2015
Madam Speaker, Members of this Honourable House,
With your leave, I will briefly remind the nation of what happened and of the national spirit and attitude required of citizens and others in the restoration and rebuilding of Dominica.
By the time the deluge had ceased on the morning of August 27:
Ø Electricity and water services were down while telephone services were erratic and irregular, some parts of the island remained without telecom services for days.
Ø Up to twenty people had lost their lives due to flooding and landslides and many more have remained unaccounted for up to today.
Ø By August 29, nine, “ special disaster zones”, comprising Petite Savanne, Pichelin, Good Hope, Bath Estate (Paradise Valley), Dubique, Campbell, Coulibistrie, San Sauveur and Petite Soufriere were declared.
Ø Sixty percent of the roads in the country were inaccessible due to landslides, edge failure and bridges which had been washed away.
Ø At the Boetica gorge, the entire road, bridge and embankment were washed away leaving that community and the neighbouring community of Delices completely cut off from the rest of the island.
Ø Extensive damage had been done to the housing stock of the country, with losses estimated at EC $150 million; to compound this situation, some eighty four per cent of the houses damaged or destroyed, were not covered by insurance.
Ø Both Douglas-Charles and Canefield airports were rendered inoperative due to flooding and extensive mud deposits which penetrated all buildings resulting in loss of all electrical equipment and fixtures on the ground floors.
Ø Erosion and landslides caused crop loss and damage in the agricultural sector and made many farms inaccessible. The bay oil distillery and the bay leaf crop of Petite Savanne was obliterated, two rum factories were destroyed and a third severely damaged.
Ø Twenty three of seventy five schools were impacted; thirteen suffered structural damage and two were destroyed. Some three thousand, four hundred and twenty students or twenty five per cent of the student population was affected; and
Ø Some 48 million in loss to the hotel plant, tourism sites, etc., including the complete loss of Jungle Bay Hotel.
From local reports and from an assessment done by the World Bank, we learnt that almost the entire Gross Domestic Product of the country was wiped out in the amount of approximately EC$1.3 billion.
Restoring Normalcy
Following the passage of Tropical Storm Erika the country was cleaned up and cleared of debris in record time. Electric power was restored in most communities in a matter of days, although as a result of damage to intakes and supply lines it took longer to restore water supply to some communities. Bailey Bridges were erected as temporary replacements for the bridges washed away on the E. O. Leblanc Highway.
In a matter of weeks a sense of normalcy had been created for most people to go about their daily business. Boetica and Delices however remained cut off for a little longer, as creating a temporary crossing for vehicular traffic across the gorge proved to be very challenging.
Outpouring Of Support
All of this was made possible by the tremendous outpouring of support from Dominica’s friends in the region and throughout the rest of the world, as well as the dedication and hard work of the emergency services, the public utility companies and the people themselves who showed remarkable resilience in the face of tragedy.
I applaud them all for their generous and selfless service to Dominica.
However, as a nation that has had to deal with disasters in the past, we know that it is not over. The bulk of the work being done, and still to be done in rebuilding Dominica, will take decades.
Patience, Understanding and Patriotism
What is now required of all citizens, is to look beyond themselves and their zones of comfort and to exercise patience understanding and a sense of patriotism as undertake the arduous task of rebuilding Dominica better.
Progress will not always occur at the rate we would like. However, we should all remember that no small developing state or local community in large developed states could reasonably be expected to be in the position to mobilise all the resources required in the aftermath of a major disaster to rebuild that which took decades to build in the first instance. The processes involved in resource mobilisation is usually long and drawn out.
We can draw inspiration and courage from the residents of New Orleans in the United States of America, where work is still in progress in rebuilding lives and homes eleven years after being struck by Hurricane Katrina. Or, we may wish to come closer home to Haiti, where six years after experiencing the most destructive earthquake in its history, it is estimated that some 80,000 people, more than the entire population of Dominica, still do not have a proper roof over their heads.
It therefore behoves all of us, as patriotic Dominicans, to recognize that it is less than a year since the passage of Tropical Storm Erika. We need therefore to put all differences aside and present a united front to the world as we go about the business of rebuilding Dominica. It is such a united front that will build greater confidence, signal that we are driven by a common national goal, and therefore facilitate a more rapid drawdown of the monies pledged and committed by donors.
If we fail to do so, we will not only sap the energy and goodwill of our own people here and abroad, but we will be sending a signal to the international community that even in the face of great national disaster we do not have the courage and the fortitude to temporarily set aside our differences in the national interest.
A National Effort
We must also demonstrate that as a people we will seek, through our own efforts, to do as much as we possibly can to rebuild our infrastructure and our economy. In that regard, the Citizenship By Investment Program (CBIP) is one such approach to reenergise the economy, particularly the tourism sector and should be presented to the world as a national effort and not as a party political initiative mired in political controversy. Let us, therefore, try to understand what the programme is, how it operates, the benefits to the economy and to the opportunity of eradicating poverty that it presents, and if there is need for refinement, let us as a people and a Parliament agree on such improvements that could be made to improve the program as time progresses. Citizen By Investment Programs are becoming an important tool for foreign direct investment and are currently being promoted by many countries in Europe, North America and in the Caribbean. It is important to note that all political parties which have been elected to government in Dominica since independence have had an economic citizenship program in one form or the other.
Overcoming The Shock
Madam Speaker, Members of this Honourable House,
Disasters are not new to us. We have faced them before, and we have no reason to believe that we will not face them again. Yet on every occasion when disaster has struck, we have emerged stronger and wiser. It should be no different with Tropical Storm Erika.
An article bearing the title “The macroeconomic consequences of disasters” published in the Journal of Economics in March 2009, is instructive. This article draws attention to a study that concludes that countries with a higher literacy rate, better institutions, higher per capita income, higher degrees of openness to trade, and higher levels of government spending, are better able to withstand the shock of disasters and prevent spillovers into the macro-economy.
Public policy in Dominica on a number of these indicators score favourably, and citizens should become even more aware of the importance of taking advantage of them where they are applicable.
The post Erika reconstruction period opens up to us the opportunity to be bold and innovative, to adopt new technologies as we rebuild the economy. There are signs that we are responding to this challenge. The thrust to establish a geothermal plant to generate power for domestic consumption, will not only result in lower rates of electricity and therefore lower the cost of living and the cost of doing business in Dominica, but will create awareness and open up new opportunities for young Dominicans to pursue careers in specialised engineering disciplines such as geological engineering, geochemistry, geophysics and hydrology. It will also serve as a platform for the next phase of geothermal energy development on the island, involving the export of electricity to the French Departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Madam Speaker, we will also have to search out and apply new methods of construction in rebuilding the country’s infrastructure and economy. Strict adherence to revised building codes will be needed to reduce the high levels of vulnerability that became evident with the passage of Erika.
Madam Speaker, Members of this Honourable House,
There is a growing body of information on what is being described as “climate smart agriculture”. The Food and Agriculture Organisation presents climate smart agriculture as an approach that helps to guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security in a changing climate. This approach aims to tackle three main objectives, namely; sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes, adapting and building resilience to climate change and decreasing or removing greenhouse gas emissions where possible.
I submit to this House that no effort should be spared in determining how these principles can be integrated into agricultural production as we go on rebuilding the sector. In that regard we need to reduce our dependence on rain fed agriculture as the patterns of rainfall fluctuates between drought and deluge. We need to look more and more at irrigation, greenhouse technology, aqua culture, mari culture and hydroponics.
Madam Speaker, Members of this Honourable House,
A bright light is beginning to shine at the end of the tunnel of death, damage and destruction left behind by Erika. It is left to our citizens to grasp the opportunity and to be bold and selfless in taking advantage of the financial and technical support that is being made available to us by our development partners in refashioning Dominica into a less vulnerable, more resilient and prosperous place.
External Factors
Our recent history has taught us that the world will not wait on Dominica. We must continue to be nimble and to adapt to the many external forces and interests that seek to sway us one way or the other.
One of the more recent external developments which will impact us directly is the decision of the Brexit Referendum in favour of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. While there is no authoritative, evidence based study on the net impact of this on small open island economies as ours, the fact that there are thousands of Dominicans living and working in the United Kingdom means that developments in the United Kingdom have implications for us. For instance the observation is being made of likely fluctuations in the value of the pound against the United States dollar. Any loss in value of the pound will result in an equivalent loss in Eastern Caribbean Dollars on remittances from the United Kingdom. Yet another consequence as yet undetermined is the impact of the absence of the UK’s contributions to the budget of European Union which for years has been one of our main development partners.
On the other hand the UK’s ties to the Commonwealth Caribbean could become stronger and we could see the reestablishment of a presence for Caribbean agricultural products, fresh as well as processed in the UK’s market, as the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union would no longer apply after the UK actually exits the European Union.
It is important to note, however, that the UK is the second largest economy in the EU second only to Germany with France a close third. It is therefore in the interest of both the UK and the EU that relations after the UK exit be on the most agreeable terms. A resurgent, strong and prosperous UK is good not only for the UK and the EU but for the international community, as well as for Dominica and the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Madam Speaker, the most significant lesson for us in this whole BREXIT exercise is the power of the ballot box. Both the government and the parliamentary opposition campaigned to remain in the EU, yet the people voted to leave 52% to 48%. One may say that the results were close, nevertheless it has to be respected by all parties. The voice of the people, we say, is the voice of God.
Madam Speaker, Members of this Honourable House,
This ninth Parliament is commencing during challenging yet exciting times for Dominica and I wish for you, and this Honourable House, God’s blessings and guidance as you carry out the business of the people in this Parliament with diligence, commitment and above all with a true sense of patriotism.
I thank you.
Fellow Dominicans,
The Ministry of Health and Environment, and the entire Government structure wishes to thank each and every Dominican who participated in one way or another in what I consider to be a very successful National Mosquito Reduction Campaign, last Thursday, February 18th, 2016.
The support and response of the citizens….. and prompt and efficient service by the various truckers around the island was overwhelming and as Minister responsible for Health and Environment, I am comforted and encouraged that the clarion call towards good and responsible behaviour by our citizens was heeded by so many people and this is indeed commendable, because as we have said many times before that the government cannot do it alone, we need everyone to be on board.
Words and time would not permit me to mention the numerous stakeholders, without whose support, the activity would not have been such a success, but I crave your indulgence and understanding as I mention a few persons and institutions, whose efforts should not go unrecognized:
The Honourable Prime Minister and my Cabinet colleagues, for their leadership and intimate involvement in the campaign; Parliamentarians from both sides of the House; other line Ministries such as Trade, Education, Employment;
the National Employment Programme; 4th and 5th formers of secondary schools around the island; the management and staff of the Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation; Local Government Department and respective village councils; National Pest and Termite Control, various community groups such as Boy Scouts and Cadet Corps, the District Health Teams, Environmental Health Officers, the various health care workers, in fact the entire Ministry of Health staff for their stellar work in planning and executing such a successful event.
As of Sunday evening, I’ve been informed a total of 400 truckloads, amounting to 800 tonnes of waste material, most of which would have been potential breeding sites for the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, would have been brought to the Fond Cole landfill and this by itself should speak to the success of this undertaking….
However, the success of this activity should in no way negate the need for us to continue mosquito source reduction in a sustainable way, and we continue to implore and encourage ALL citizens to manage their waste responsibly to prevent the incidence of vector borne diseases.
So once again , I would like to thank everyone for such a laudable effort and look forward to your continued support our future endeavours as together we strive to:
- PM Skerrit's Convocation Address at Lovely Professional University- "Now is the Time for Resourcefulness and Resilience"
- Independence Day Address by Hon. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit
- Address Delivered by His Excellency on Ocassion of Declaration of National Days of Mourning
- Feature Address by Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Political Leader of the Dominica Labour Party and Prime Minister of Dominica, at the Annual Conference of the St. Lucia Labour Party 09/03/14